Toyota Alphard
Reg: WD60GOX
2360cc Engine
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82,654 Miles
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This car is in the Torquay, Devon area. Please use the 'Email Dealer' form above to contact the seller. We do not display the dealer's name or phone number as they are not on our Premium Advertising Programme, however they do carry excellent used car stock in the Torquay area and we feel it is worth listing their stock in a limited capacity.

Toyota Alphard 2.4 for £16,995

Toyota Alphard 2.4 Automatic Camper Conversion. You are viewing a Toyota Alphard with a ''one off'' custom camper conversion which has been done to a very high standard and has been very well thought through and designed for ''ease of use and practicality''. The Alphard, like all Toyotas, is ultra reliable and is a very comfortable smooth drive. As well as the camper side of things this vehicle has automatic opening and closing rear sliding doors that operate using the key fob. See the pictures to give yourself more of an insight into the layout of the interior when using to sleep or using otherwise. It has everything you need for a weekend break, or a much longer vacation. It has an advantage over larger mobile homes in that it can be driven to, and access, nearly all roads and carparks, so you are not limited as to where it can be taken. The vehicle will be fully serviced, have a full 12 months MOT and be covered by our own 6 month/6000 mile warranty for your complete peace of mind. If you would like more information or like to arrange a viewing please do not hesitate to get in touch.